Thursday, November 7, 2013


Mmmmm holidays... I think what in really is very important  because in university live, is the time for think in other topics and is the opportunities for see other friend or make other activities.

In really I don't have a favorite activities, but sleep and see my friends, my boyfriends, and laugh in a good conversation is the most beautiful. The place no is specific... I love travel ( Viña del Mar, Valparaiso,  and my new love Punta Arenas) but  for me is more important the persons whit me in the moment; obviously in moments i need think alone and in this opportunities the  place es very important.
I like live relaxing and beautiful moments whit mi family (because in the work week I don't see more) and my boyfriend... and previous coordination whit my friends of the high school.

I don't know where I will the next holiday because I don't have money ( the next week I travel to Punta arenas and before this magic travel i don't have money) but in this case is good think in the surprise of the life... maybe go to my boyfriend to route of trekking in Santiago.
    In Punta Arenas I learning connect whit my feelings and thinking...and this beautiful moments is for have free time... in really is very important the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. I love Punta Arenas too! thats my favorite place for vacations
